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Milestones & Achievements

  • Enactus SXC emerged victorious, bagging the 1st position in the OnCampus Competetion organised by HultPrize,SXC.


  • Our initiative, Project Pattrang, which aims to revive the dying art of Pattachitra and provide a source of livelihood to Patuas, has been recognized by Biswa Bangla, an MSME established by the Government of West Bengal. This has been a huge milestone in the promotion of our handicrafts.​


  • Project Nirvah received recognition from The Earth Day Network India for our dedication to environmental sustainability and the production of eco-friendly products.


  • Enactus SXC collaborated with Enactus Lancaster in providing water filter to Tajpur Primary School, where due to high iron and arsenic levels in the water pumps, made the water unfit for consumption resulting in low attendance of students. Accompanied by fellow enacter from Lancaster University, we distributed 15 water filters along with spreading awareness about importance of clean drinking water.


  • Enactus SXC partnered with Young India to widen the reach and create an even bigger impact with the help of our collaboration.​

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